Unlike all other diet plans, cereal diet is a prominent one as it helps in shedding weight and keeping ourselves healthy. Special K diet promises healthy weight loss of a person in a very short span of days. A person can lose up to 6 pounds per two weeks by maintaining this kind of diet. This diet is nothing but substituting two vital meals of the day with cereals. Cereals are mainly rich in proteins, minerals and fibers. These help in proper digestion of foods. Such diets are only helpful when pursued in a suitable method and lined up with healthy and wholesome foodstuffs. A cereal diet plan is precise timetables to be followed for 2 weeks that includes 3 meals a day, their magnitude and total of work out necessary to burn obtainable fat and construct muscles.
Cereal Diet plans:
A person following a cereal diet menu is allowed to have cereals for two meals a day depending on the person which two meal he takes. It can be taken for breakfast and lunch or dinner. Another meal which is allowed should contain carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins. The person can have a breakfast of a bowl of cereal along with fat free milk. The lunch or dinner as mentioned earlier must contain a bowl of any new or identical cereal along with fat free milk. Yogurt can also be preferred in the place of fat free milk but only for lunch. Another normal meal may comprise of parched salmon, vegetables, grilled chicken breast, roasted potato, fish, rice, salad and whole wheat bread. In between meals snacks like apple pieces, strawberries, carrots, peanut butter and almonds can also be taken.
Cereal Diet Benefits:
The cereal meal which you are having twice a day provides you with 5 grams of fiber and 7 grams of protein. This reinforces the metabolic activities and sets them to function till the next meal or snack is taken. The fibers gained from the cereals stops calories to be engrossed and in-turn increases body power. The vitamins and minerals in the diet gulp the excess fat and keep the body fresh and lively. Along with the diet take plenty of water in between meals. Excess water in the body helps these vitamins and minerals to function properly in their job of digesting fats. Regular exercises at a particular time of the day are necessary for these 2 weeks of dieting. Exercise helps in metabolism to be done in a faster rate. You will slowly see a gradual change in yourself from the first week itself.
And yes it is necessary to consult a dietician and your gym instructor for your choice of cereals and exercises to be done respectively. Though dieticians preferably will prescribe you such diet for not more than 2 weeks but it really becomes difficult for some persons to stick to the diet for more than a week because of monotonous food items prepared from cereals. Still a variety of dishes can be prepared for a cereal diet which adds taste to the diet and are also helpful for the body.
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